Pause your GitHub Actions workflow and request manual approval from set approvers before continuing
- 1
Not full link in mail
#143 opened by denysnprofisea - 4
Output ID or link to issue.
#131 opened by caruccio - 1
issue-body from file
#146 opened by AurimasNav - 10
Wrong links in task output
#136 opened by DenisBalan - 2
ARM container for action
#118 opened by kemalgoekhan - 0
issue assignee setting
#144 opened by stefanolaru - 1
Wrong masseging for approvars
#114 opened by RahulGP14 - 1
Add label to created issue
#103 opened by MyNameIsOka - 2
- 4
- 3
Org Team Approver Documentation Issue
#102 opened by obalyuk87 - 2
- 0
Thank you!
#139 opened by usualstuff - 1
- 0
- 0
Using this action in a reusable workflow that is in another repository opens an approval issue in that repository instead of mine.
#134 opened by shodanwashere - 7
Issue body maximum is 65536 characters
#89 opened by jrarmstro - 2
Custom title for approval Issue.
#88 opened by rfyffe-mgmresorts - 2
Broken by Github update?
#128 opened by marczis - 5
URL and issue created links need to be updated for user-feedback in GitHub Actions and Issue
#126 opened by Kremzeeq - 1
Approvers as env variable
#119 opened by djordjevicdjordje - 0
- 2
422 validation failed
#127 opened by yanivg10 - 0
Incorrect base URL
#124 opened by yuqu - 0
Not supporting for timeout-minutes
#111 opened by yograjrshinde - 0
- 0
Show color syntax'ed output plan?
#120 opened by AdamOnLinux - 4
404 error when trying to create issue in repos
#116 opened by blacklabnz - 8
Can't get the approval values
#106 opened by MamadouSadio - 0
Issue Comments Have no Effect with App Permissions
#115 opened by afrazkhan - 2
Include a web UI link of the created issue in output so that readers can easily go to the issue in their browsers
#87 opened by ayqazi - 4
422 Validation Failed [{Resource:Issue Field:assignees Code:invalid Message:}]
#109 opened by ashishjullia - 2
Permission Denied at step start
#105 opened by wasuaje - 1
- 1
- 1
Let anyone approve an issue
#108 opened by CaueP - 1
- 8
Pausing is very cost expensive
#95 opened by Uzlopak - 0
Issue creation failing with 404 when using Team
#100 opened by semmelbroesel - 0
- 1
- 0
Option to set assignees as team
#96 opened by mocyuto - 1
- 1
Add individual members in a github team/org
#91 opened by ashishjullia - 1
Argument list too long
#85 opened by sanderlegit - 2
Readme is not up to date with `v1.8.0` tag
#76 opened by b3nk3 - 2
- 1
- 0
Org team approver
#82 opened by vijyantg - 0
increase log level
#80 opened by falbocodes