DIRECTORY: "Application" contain provided example
This repository contains the sources created during the Ethernet tutorial video in Polish leanguage. The video is available at this link:
Directory: Drivers/Ethernet/* contain prepared files for ethernet driver Dicrectory: applications// the prepared examples have been placed...
To check changes history please call: "gitk&" in this project at him location to see changes in diffrent implementation states
This project was created only for educational purposes. Created software is prepared for Board- NUCLEO-F767ZI
You are ready to start adventure with this examples when you have this tools in your environment (environment variables)!
arm-none-eabi-gcc 9.3.1
OpenOCD 0.11.0
make 4.2.1 / or 3.81
The versions aren't important on 99% ;)
To clone this repo please use following command:
- git clone --recurse-submodules
**_Call "make" in this project at him location to compile provided example
You can call "make flash" to program MCU.