
Primary LanguageShell

() - > means parameter

  • Docker run (image_name)

    • -p -> (0000:0000) port binding first is host second is container
    • -d -> detach
    • --name -> change the name of the container**
    • -e -> Set an environnement variable
    • --net -> set a network for the container
    • -v (HOST_LOCATION):(CONTAINER_LOCATION) -> mounts HOST volume to Container for data persistence
    • -v (NAME):(CONTAINER_LOCATION) -> same as the first but as named volume, this one is more used in production Example -> $ docker run -d
      --name older_redis
      -e MONGO_DB_USERNAME=user
      --net my_custom_network
      -v /home/data:/var/lib/data
      -v custom_volume:/var/lib/data
  • Docker images -> show every images loaded

  • Docker ps -> show a list of running containers

    • -a -> show history
  • Docker pull -> get an image from a container hub


  • Docker start (container_name) -> Start a stopped container

  • Docker stop (container_name) -> Stops a container

  • Docker rm (container_name) -> removes a container (needs to be stopped)


  • Docker Logs (container_name) -> Show the logs of a container for debugging

  • Docker exec (container_name) (command (/bin/bash or /bin/sh)) -> execute a command on a container

    • -it -> interactive Terminal for accessing the containers terminal Example -> $ docker exec -it redis_older /bin/bash


  • Docker network ls -> Shows a list of the docker networks
  • Docker network create (network_name)-> Creates a network

Docker Compose

  • Docker compose -f (yml_file_name) up -> starts every container in the yml file
    • -d -> detach
  • Docker compose -f (yml_file_name) down -> stops every container and networks in yml file


  • Docker build (docker_file_dir)
    • -t (image_name) -> sets the name for the custom image
  • Docker rmi (docker_image_name) -> removes an image (containers using this image need to be deleted first)

mysql folder - var/lib/mysql docker volume location - /var/lib/docker/volumes