This repository is for the dotNetTips.Utility code for .NET Core & .NET Standard (formerly in a different repository).
Much of this code is documented on
Below is the list of current projects in this repository
- dotNetTips.Utility.Core.EntityFramework (preview): Common code for Entity Framework Core.
- dotNetTips.Utility.Core.Windows: Common code for Windows.
- dotNetTips.Utility.Standard: Main assembly for common code.
- dotNetTips.Utility.Standard.Common: Common code used in all the other .NET Core and .NET Standard assemblies.
- dotNetTips.Utility.Standard.Extensions: Common extension methods.
- dotNetTips.Utility.Standard.Tester: Code for use in unit tests/ benchmarks. For article and video on how to use this assembly, go to:
Here are the results from the current benchmark tests that takes over 3 hours to run:
- App
- Collections.DistinctBlockingCollection
- Collections.Generic.Concurrent.ConcurrentHashSet
- Collections.Generic.Concurrent.DistinctBlockingCollection
- Collections.Generic.Concurrent.DistinctConcurrentBag
- Collections.Generic.FastSortedList
- Devices.Clock
- Extensions.CollectionExtensions
- Extensions.ExceptionExtensions
- Extensions.EnumExtensions
- Extensions.ObjectExtensions
- Extensions.StringBuilderExtensions
- Extensions.StringExtensions
- IO.DirectoryHelper
- IO.DriveHelper
- IO.FileHelper
- IO.FileProcessor
- IO.PathHelper
- Logging.LoggingHelper
- Security.EncryptionHelper
- Security.SecurityHelper
- Serializer.JsonSerializer
- Services
- TypeHelper
- Xml.XmlHelper
Do you have code you would like to submit to these repositories? Submit a pull request or submit an issue. I promise to take a look and include it if I like it! You can also support this via GitHub Sponsors: