
Django-based Trivia Quiz Framework

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Django-based Trivia Quiz Framework

Features of this Dockerized Setup

  • Uses ASGI so that it can be extended to support websocket/Channels (at a later date)
  • Has support built in to turn on celery for background tasks and long duration work in response to web requests (at later date)
  • Has examples of apache and nginx included that are roughly setup to support easier integration into an existing environment
  • Automatically minimizes static files in develop/local mode.


This is a Docker-based Django framework. Please make sure you have Docker and docker-compose installed.

Running in Local/Development

In the development build docker is configured to load your local files directly from this directory. It is live mounted and is not baked into the docker image. Django has file modification detection and will automatically reload itself if it sees files change. This works in general but will fail to execute changes in __init__.py files.

Django will also automatically makemigrations and migrate for you when you bring the stack up to try to keep the dev cycle quick.

The development stack supports serving the files itself and allows plain HTTP for easy testing.

Email output is handled by a local mailhog instance that will print emails to stdout. If you need to view it, simply have the docker output for the entire compose stack up or specifically run docker logs on the mailhog container.

If you need to quickly clear the entire database to start over then follow this

  1. Django Compose file Customization

    • (Unnecessary) Edit the local.yml file to suite your setup if you feel like it.
    • (Unnecessary) Enable or disable additional containers if you feel like it (apache/nginx perhaps)
    • (Unnecessary) Remap ports if you feel like it
  2. Django & Postgres Env Customization

    • Edit the .envs/.local file to suite your setup.
    • If accessing from anything other than the localhost: Configure the ALLOWED_HOSTS and INTERNAL_IPS to match your setup (to show you debug traces when bad things happen in the webpage)
  3. Actually deploy

    • docker-compose -f local.yml up --build
    • When complete, your site will be hosted on
  4. Check out First Steps

Running in Production

The production setup of django is setup to support running behind a standalone web server. It is generally setup to be more secure and to refuse non ssl connections etc.

For Standalone webserver deployment, example configurations for apache and nginx are provided in docker compose recipes compose/production/<nginx or apache> so that you can copy it and configure similarly. You WILL NEED to modify them to fit your particular environment. The examples do NOT include ssl customization

Production Checklist

  1. Volume Preparation

    Create the external volume mounts so that your existing standalone Apache or nginx can reach static files

    NOTE: below are for a Linux OS, please adjust for Windows (you will probably want to use WSL or WSL 2).

    • mkdir /opt/mediafiles
    • mkdir /opt/staticfiles
    • chmod /opt/staticfiles to writeable
    • chmod /opt/mediafiles
    • docker volume create -o type=none -o o=bind -o device=/opt/staticfiles static_files_data
    • docker volume create -o type=none -o o=bind -o device=/opt/mediafiles media_files_data

    If you would like to change the staticfiles or mediafiles location then you will need to update the compose files, and the docker volume create command. The containers themselves should still be fine.

  2. Django Compose file Customization

    • Edit the production.yml file to suite your setup.
    • Enable or disable additional containers
    • Remap ports as you desire
  3. Django & Postgres Env Customization

    • Edit the .envs/.production file to suite your setup.
    • You will need to understand some Django configuration to setup options.
    • Specifically setup the usernames and passwords BEFORE you makemigrations and migrate
    • Edit trivianator/contrib/sites/migrations/0003_* to set the domain correctly
      • Generally replace the placeholder quiz.ashesofcreation.wiki with the correct hostname in the entire codebase
    • Specifically ideally change all the security options to True
    • Configure the ALLOWED_HOSTS to match your setup (proxy server etc)
    • Configure email stuff. This will depend on how you expect to send email or currently do.
  4. Actually deploy

    • DJANGO_SELF_HOST=<selfhostip> docker-compose -f production.yml up --build
    • When complete, your site will be hosted on <Host Running Docker>:8000
  5. Makemigrations and migrate if there are Model Changes (Or First Time)

  6. Check out First Steps

If you feel like experimenting with a dockerized example of a production apache or nginx setup (serving static files for django, etc NOT SECURITY) You may add the apache and nginx servers in to the production.yml and use the .envs/.insecure.production file to see an example of "production". It does not configure SSL.

First Steps after Running

  1. Create a super user
    • Run python manage.py createsuperuser following this
  2. Upload quizzes for users to take
    • Login to the admin page with the superuser/admin
    • navigate to the quiz_uploads (TBD INSTRUCTIONS)
    • Add the *.tgz file containing the quiz you wish to upload


How to perform management commands in docker

  • docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash
    • The container you want for all python management.py commands in the Django one
  • source /entrypoint to set DATABASE_URL and CELERY_BROKER_URL
  • perform actual command python management.py <commandargs>

How to perform model migrations in production

  • Same as above
  • For the commands:
    • python management.py makemigrations
    • python management.py migrate

URLs of note

  • http://server:8000/admin admin interface for superusers (could be at a different URL in production)

This is specified in .envs/.production/.django with DJANGO_ADMIN_URL parameter

  • http://server:8000/ landing page and list all available quizzes for a user
  • http://server:8000/marking/ lists results of users for each quiz (for admins)
  • http://server:8000/progress/ lists all quizzes taken by the user and their result
  • http://server:8000/leaderboards/ lists all available leaderboards
  • http://server:8000/category/ lists all quiz/question related categories
  • http://server:8000/<FriendlyURL> direct URL to a quiz identified by the friendly URL set when creating the quiz

How to add Quizzes

  • Log into http://server:8000/admin

NOTE: The actual URL for /admin/ should be different for production as it should be a long unique URL for security reasons.

This is specified in .envs/.production/.django with DJANGO_ADMIN_URL parameter

Clear development db

  • Run docker-compose -f local.yml down -v

This will clear all docker internal volumes including the postgres database. The django docker image start script automatically will recreate the tables when it connects with migrate

Clear migrations to start from scratch

rm -rf all the 000* files in any migrations folders of the trivia app or other self created apps. Do not touch the trivianator/contrib/sites/migrations folder unless you know what you are doing.

General Help links