
Quizlet web app created with React, Django, and Rest Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quizlet web app created with React, Django Rest Framework
deploying to AWS...


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Challenge: Learning Full Stack development as a beginner

  • Learning how to communicate front and back-end
    • How could data pass from Django to React?
    • How could webpage retrive data from back-end?
  • Learning the basics of React Framework
    • How to display data on the webpage?
    • How to count/record user's actions?

Technical choices

  • Front-end: React because it is fun and beginner friendly (many resources)
  • Back-end: Django because I want to practise python
  • MVC architecture because it is modular, easy to manage
  • A single form instead of individual page of quizes because I am a beginner


  • Front and back-end communication
    • Setting up myQuizlet Django project and QuizApp Django app
    • In models.py, create Quiz model(s) for Django to model the data into a Quiz object. Django migration will load initial data into local DB
      Setting up RESTful API for sending and retriving data
    • Use serializer.py for converting data to JSON
    • In views.py, implement views.quiz_list for handling GET/POST request. Use django seralizer to retrieve data from DB. SQL insert command could be easily excutted with .save() Experimenting with pagination for future development.
    • views.quiz_detail for future functionalities of adding, editing quizes
    • consumd APIs(AXIOS), will sends data to front-end. Implmented in quiz-frontend/manageAPI.js
  • Front-end display/interactivity
    • Use App component for styling and calling QuizList component
    • QuizList component will use manageAPI.js for retriving all data and storing them into this.state.Quiz, this.state also have failedScore for recording users' attempt of answering quizes.
    • QuizList will display a form of a table to display all data. onChoiceChanged will handle change of radio button in form. handleFormSubmit will handle form submit event and counting all incorrect attempts. It will compare the submitted choice with the correct choice defined in field correctAnswer of this.state.Quiz, whichi is model after models.py.
    • Afterwards a pop-up, QuizResult.js, will show result of users' attempt
    • QuizUpdate.js will add quizzes and calling backend to inser data into DB

Planned Functionalies

  • DeleteEdit quizzes
  • Create User
  • More styling
  • Seperate the displaying form functionality from QuizList
  • Host in AWS