T2SG *.bin file for a ESP8266 WEMOS D1 mini. Its purpose is to read the total power from a Shelly 3EM and send it via UART to Trucki's RS485 interface pcb for SUN GTIL2-1/2000 MPPT inverter
- 1
- 0
- 0
Wechselrichter auf 0 Watt
#51 opened by Gerri1 - 9
Warum ist das kein OpenSource projekt?
#8 opened by delacor - 2
Einrichtung Home-Assistant über T2SG & T2MG
#50 opened by PatFie2001 - 6
- 4
T2SG mit Volkszähler
#47 opened by rt1970 - 3
Post new FW here
#49 opened by launacorp - 8
- 3
Battery voltage Anpassen
#30 opened by Selyria - 2
Viele Betriebsaussetzer
#48 opened by madejackson - 5
cannot get 100% output (600W)
#46 opened by madejackson - 4
- 0
Config speichern?
#44 opened by Jens869 - 1
T2SG to Venus OS
#32 opened by Hattie164 - 2
- 16
- 1
- 6
- 1
Truck2 MW Issue: ZEPC reset to MQTT
#40 opened by DraycD - 11
- 7
Can not read shelly EM meter
#39 opened by pveredas - 10
- 1
Home Assistant und MQTT
#37 opened by Leon2079 - 5
- 0
- 3
mqtt password: tooooo short
#33 opened by DeTaurus - 0
Home Assistant, Enery Plance
#31 opened by marcellofiore - 13
ZEPC Regelung LT600 - Shelly 3 EM - ZEPC bleibt bei 600 fest stehen - keine Regelung mehr (zu #19)
#23 opened by Jollinar - 5
MQTT - Home Assistant nur lesene Daten möglich? Aktionen können nicht festgelegt werden.
#28 opened by marcellofiore - 1
Issue #21 is not completed
#26 opened by wattlooper - 4
- 0
- 3
Regelung Einspeisung
#25 opened by budaustrade - 4
- 6
- 2
- 4
Keine Verbindung zum Lumentree 600
#20 opened by Pony1966 - 10
LumenTree 600 mit Trucki Stick regelt nicht
#16 opened by Penny-001 - 10
Kein AC Setpoint im Trucki2Shelly Gateway
#14 opened by myjobismyhobby - 8
- 5
Stick arbeitet nach Neustart nicht
#10 opened by 66xerxeS66 - 3
Max Power Set bei Reboot auf NULL
#7 opened by wauzzi - 0
Keine Verbindung zum Lumentree 2000
#18 opened by rt1970 - 3
Trucki2shelly app`? Neue Optionen?
#15 opened by shake2k - 2
- 2
Fronius Smartmeter via API - json Auswertung
#11 opened by dg1yds - 0
ZEPC - DeepDive
#9 opened by MichaCode - 2
Feature Request: VBAT min max
#5 opened by jcfuchs - 2
Feature Request: Max Power über MQTT setzen
#4 opened by jcfuchs