
Primary LanguagePython

Draw moves tree from PGN files

Draw a tree of moves from PGN files using Graphviz


Graphviz 2.42.2 https://graphviz.org/download/

Python 3.9

Python libraries:


Draw pgn tree

Main source: diagram2.py

$ python3 diagram2.py input
  • input: path to the .pgn file
  • For example: $ python3 diagram2.py ViennaTest.pgn

By default, the program draws from the first move to the last move. To change this, specify the command-line arguments as follows:

$ python3 diagram2.py -s START -e END input
  • START: the first step
  • END: the last step
  • For example: $ python3 diagram2.py -s 4 -e 9 ViennaTest.pgn

To print full usage:

$ python3 diagram2.py --help
usage: diagram2.py [-h] [-s START] [-e END] input

Draw moves from a PGN file

positional arguments:
  input                 Input pgn file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START, --start START
                        First step (default: 1)
  -e END, --end END     Last step (default: max)

Draw mainlines of multiple games

Main source: diagram.py

$ python3 diagram.py input
  • input: path to the .pgn file
  • For example: $ python3 diagram.py Nimzo-4-Bg5.pgn

By default, the program draws from the 4th move to the 18th move. To change this, specify the command-line arguments as follows:

$ python3 diagram.py -s START -e END input
  • START: the first step
  • END: the last step
  • For example: $ python3 diagram.py -s 3 -e 19 Nimzo-4-Bg5.pgn

To print full usage:

$ python3 diagram.py --help


A diagram-<input>.gv.pdf file storing the output diagram, and a diagram-<input>.gv file storing the diagram in DOT language.