
Project 2 of UF COP5615 Distributed Operating System Principle

Primary LanguageElixir

Student info

  • Name: Truc D Nguyen
  • UFID: 9482-7764


The main source code is in lib/:

  • proj.ex: This file defines main routines and network topology
  • gossip_node.ex: The implementation of a node using the Gossip algorithm
  • push_sum_node.ex: The implementation of a node using the Push-Sum algorithm

Configuration and Compilation

To compile:

$ mix escript.build

Run syntax

$ ./proj2 <numNode> <topology> <alogrithm>
  • numNode: number of nodes in the network
  • topology: one of full, 3D, rand2D, sphere, line, imp2D
  • algorithm: one of gossip, push-sum


Time it takes to converge in milliseconds


$ ./proj2 256 imp2D gossip
Elapsed time = 208.081

What is working

  • I've implemented all six topologies and two algorithms
  • The program can be built using escript
  • For 3D topology, each level of the cube is a 4x4 grid. Therefore, the number of nodes is rounded to the nearest integer that is divisible by 16.
  • For Sphere topology, each row has 4 nodes. Therefore, the number of nodes is rounded to the nearest integer that is divisible by 4.
  • The convergence time is measured from the point when the program initiates the first message to the point when the network has achieved convergence

Largest network


  • Line: 5000. It takes about 108.62 seconds to achieve convergence
  • rand2D: 5000. It takes about 0.721 seconds to achieve convergence
  • full: 10000. It takes about 59.284 seconds to achieve convergence
  • imp2D: 10000. It takes about 0.517 seconds to achieve convergence
  • 3D: 10000. It takes about 16.042 seconds to achieve convergence
  • sphere: 10000. It takes about 33.350 seconds to achieve convergence


  • Line: 1000. It takes about 1071.904 seconds (~ 16 minutes) to achieve convergence
  • 3D: 1000. It takes about 86.750 seconds to achieve convergence
  • sphere: 1000. It takes about 168.727 seconds to achieve convergence
  • rand2D: 1000. It takes about 14.367 seconds to achieve convergence
  • full: 10000. It takes about 1574.649 seconds (~ 26 minutes) to achieve convergence
  • imp2D: 10000. It takes about 160.734 seconds to achieve convergence