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Introduce: Are you tired of waiting for weeks to hear back from companies after applying for a job or internship? Do you want to stand out from the pool of applicants and increase your chances of securing your dream job? Look no further than Networking Champion.


📌The problem that I am addressing is the difficulties faced by college students when they're looking for internships and new grad jobs, or even professionals who want to switch companies.

📌Career Sidekick reported that applicants often wait for up to 2 months to hear back from their applications, with the majority of applicants never receiving any response (around 70%-90%according to Harvard business review).

📌The average application-to-interview ratio is low, with only 10-30% of applications resulting in an interview. Even after interviews, CNBC reported that 75% of candidates experience "ghosting" by potential employers.

=> This problem has significant negative impacts, not only causing financial hardship but also creating stress that can negatively affect mental health. It can also lead to slower economic development in various fields. The situation has been getting worse because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, addressing this issue is crucial, and it is important to find effective solutions to help people find job opportunities more easily.


💡To make your application stand out and catch the attention of the company, it's crucial to get to the interview round. One effective way to do this is through cold emailing.

💡A cold email is an introductory email sent to usually a recruiter, who can schedule an interview, to show your interest and skill.

💡Cold emails are incredibly useful because they show initiative and help you stand out from the application pool, offer direct communication to schedule an interview ASAP, build strong connections with recruiters and companies, and open doors to unadvertised opportunities. In fact, many successful job seekers have reported high response rates and interview scheduling rates from cold emails.

💡Now, you may be wondering, does cold email really work? Well, CNBC’s research has shown that targeted cold emails can receive an average response rate of 15-25%.

Implement and concern

⚔️Firstly, we will ask for consent before sharing any information in the database.

⚔️Secondly, we will limit access permission to 3-5 emails per month to prevent spamming. To make sure that one person only has one account, they are required to use school or company email to sign up.

⚔️We will require students to report the result of their cold email after 1 month, before they can renew the plan to get to see 5 new emails. They need to provide screenshot confirmation to demonstrate the validity

⚔️Recruiters switch companies a lot, so a portion of the emails you archive might not always be accessible: Students need to report the result of their cold email after 4 weeks of getting access to each recruiter's email.

How do we help women?

🔑The website is built by the president and copresident of women in computer science to support women.

🔑The website only allows verified users who are members of organizations that focus on women or individuals who apply with their school or company email.

🔑Verification of information and gender is required for individuals who apply.

🔑Every month, organizations and individuals who send emails need to share the results to update the system and increase their chances of getting to the interview stage.

🔑The website allows any organization or individual to contribute new email and recruiter's information to the database.

🔑This helps grow the resource and support more women.

💻 Features

➡️ Application for individual and organization.

➡️ Recruiters database with emails

➡️ Report Form

➡️ Contribute to database

📲 What's next for Networking Champion 📲

➡️ I will try to add more email to database.

➡️ Develop mentorshop between women.

➡️ Recruiter spnsorship to look for targeted school/student.