Oura tracker

©Samuel Lehikoinen 2021

Oura tracker is created to quickly check personal health status from terminal.

Getting started

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/samuellehikoinen/oura_tracker.git

Run the main.py file

python main.py

The program requires your Oura authentication token.

  • Navigate to the Personal Access Tokens page


  • In the upper-right corner of the page click the "Create A New Personal Access Token" Button

  • Enter a unique note for the new Personal Access Token you are about to generate

  • Click "Create Personal Access Token" to submit the form and create your new Personal Access Token

  • You should now have a new access token listed on the Personal Access Tokens page

More at Oura API docs

The authentication token is stored in your local file, auth.txt

A step further

MacOS users can add 'oura' command to .zshrc file for easier access.

Change path to this function.

function oura() {
  python ~/PATH/oura_tracker/main.py