
vue-cli plugin that adds minimal docker deployment using nginx

Primary LanguageDockerfile


having a node container running an express server seemed kind of overkill for serving a built vue-app

This is a vue-cli-plugin that adds a minimal docker deployment (~19MB + static files) using nginx to serve your vue-app


vue add vue-cli-plugin-docker-nginx

This will automatically add all the files needed to your existing vue-cli project

Build and run local docker container

npm run docker

This will build a docker container and run it on port 3000. If you want to run it on different port change the run script in your package.json to

  "docker": "docker build . -t vue-app && docker run -d -p <PORT>:80 vue-app"

Please make sure to have docker installed and running on your machine.

Tweak nginx config

With the default settings nginx listens on port 80 and is configured to route all requests back to index.html. This way you can safely use history-mode in your vue-router. These settings can be changed in default.conf in you projects root.