
A Ruby client for api.covermymeds.com

Primary LanguageRuby

CoverMyMeds API

CoverMyApi is a gem that provides a Ruby client for api.covermymeds.com

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cover_my_meds'

And then execute:


For general API documentation see: https://developers.covermymeds.com/ehr-api.html


Fork the repo, make changes, and submit a pull request.


You can use the CoverMyApi client to retrieve drugs, forms, pa requests, access tokens and create requests.

require 'cover_my_meds'  # not needed in a rails app

Getting Started

Default Client


This will set up a new client with a default host of https://api.covermymeds.com and all the default paths. It will look for an API key and secret in the CMM_API_ID and CMM_API_SECRET environment variables respectively.


In Rails, the default client will also check Rails.application.secrets for a cmm_api_id and cmm_api_secret before falling back to the environment variables.

The gem also includes a Railtie to allow simple configuration in Rails.application.configure blocks typically found in environment files like config/environments/development.rb etc. Usage is similar to the standard configuration.

Rails.application.configure do
  config.cover_my_meds.default_host = 'https://master-api.integration.covermymeds.com'

This will configure the default client retrieved through CoverMyMeds.default_client. If you want to pass your own API key and secret, you can call CoverMyMeds.configured_client(api_id, api_secret) which will use the same configuration, but the passed ID/secret.

Without Rails

Before anything else, create a new client:

client = CoverMyMeds::Client.new(your_api_id, your_api_secret) do |client|
  client.default_host = 'https://api.covermymeds.com'

Drug Search

drugs = client.drug_search 'Boniva'

drugs                   # => array of drugs
drug = drugs.first
drug.name               # => 'Boniva'

Form Search

forms = client.form_search('Blue Cross', drug.id, 'oh')

forms                   # => array of forms
form = forms.first
form.name               # => 'blue_cross_blue_shield_georgia_general'

Get Request(s)

# Get a single request
request = client.get_request('NT5HL9')
request.id  # => 'NT5HL9'

# Get many requests
requests = client.get_requests(['DS2FD3', 'FD6FD1'])
requests   # => array of requests

Create Request

new_request = client.request_data
request_data.patient.first_name = 'John'

request = client.create_request new_request
request.patient.first_name      # => 'Jonhn'

Create access tokens

token = client.create_access_token('DS3SE1')
token.id    # => 'nhe44fu4g22upqqgstea'

Get Request Pages

request_page = client.get_request_page('NT5HL9','nhe44fu4g22upqqgstea')
request_page.keys # => values corresponding to a request page

Or to save remote_user attributes to the request audit trail:
request_page = client.get_request_page('NT5HL9','nhe44fu4g22upqqgstea', { remote_user_key: 'remote_user_value' })
request_page.keys # => values corresponding to a request page

e.g ["data", "forms", "actions", "provided_coded_references", "validations"]

Create API Consumer

consumer = client.create_consumer(email: 'consumer@example.com')
consumer # => {"id"=>89517,

Can optionally send in description, callback_url, callback_verb, theming.