
Basic Server Response for Alexa Requests

Primary LanguageRuby

Basic Server Response for Alexa Requests

Default setup is a response from the Faker gem to respond with a TV-level hacker statement.

Used the alexa_rubykit gem and referenced the TaskRabbit "Developing an Amazon Alexa Skill on Rails" post by Brian Leonard.

Running the Server

It is designed to be run with Shotgun, to enable code reloading without having to restart the server.

bundle exec shotgun

You can also run it via basic Ruby.

bundle exec ruby server.rb

Simple Access via Ngrok

Ngrok allows access via tunnelling, so that you can interact with the Sinatra server without having to go through the hassle of deploying it everytime you make a change.

To access the Shotgun server, use:

ngrok http 9393

If you just want to access the basic Sinatra server, use:

ngrok http 4567

Alexa Skill Intent

When working with this application, the following are recommended starting intents for the Alexa skill:

  • AMAZON.YesIntent
  • AMAZON.HelpIntent
  • AMAZON.CancelIntent
  • AMAZON.StopIntent