These samples illustrate geographic searching using Sphinx search.
Sphinx querying is made via SphinxQL using PDO driver.
Data from is used as source.
Sphinx search 2.1.1-beta or greater
PHP with PDO mysql
Edit scripts/sphinx.conf
for setting proper paths.
Edit common.php for setting Sphinx host and port.
The code is designed for US data dump.
Download the dump from You can use any country dump ( or add more than one),
but only US has the state code column which is used on geodist() example.
Unzip the archieve and copy it under Example folder.
Start searchd first with
$ searchd -c /path/to/sphinx.conf
Edit in filldb.php the name of the dump file. Generate the RT index
$ php filldb.php
poly_large.php and poly_small.php have the same functionality, except the polygons are different.
Sphinx Samples is free software, and is released under the terms of the GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
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