
Intro to Data Science and SQL workshop - Black Wings hackathon

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Intro to Data Science and SQL

Getting started

The easiest way to use this repository is by using Binder. It creates an environment to run a Jupyter notebook without any local setup needed: Binder

If you're a begineer, using Google Colab or DataCamp Workspace is going to save you a lot of pain and let you focus on learning exploring data and learning, instead of debugging your environment.

Installing locally

Note: These are just pointers if you're really determined to install locally. I will not have time during the workshop to help you with your local setup. Proceed with caution :)

Most instructions will recommend using Anaconda, Conda, or Miniconda. This Codecademy tutorial is pretty good.

Since I don't like to install heavy tooling for simple purposes, I followed steps similar to this tutorial instead.

Setup caveat

There are some bugs in newer versions of ipython-sql, so very specific versions need to be installed (source):

!pip3 install --upgrade SQLAlchemy==1.4.46
!pip3 install --upgrade PyMySQL==1.0.2
!pip3 install --upgrade ipython-sql==0.4.1

This has been included in the requirements.txt.