The easiest way to use this repository is by using Binder. It creates an environment to run a Jupyter notebook without any local setup needed:
If you're a begineer, using Google Colab or DataCamp Workspace is going to save you a lot of pain and let you focus on learning exploring data and learning, instead of debugging your environment.
Note: These are just pointers if you're really determined to install locally. I will not have time during the workshop to help you with your local setup. Proceed with caution :)
Most instructions will recommend using Anaconda, Conda, or Miniconda. This Codecademy tutorial is pretty good.
Since I don't like to install heavy tooling for simple purposes, I followed steps similar to this tutorial instead.
There are some bugs in newer versions of ipython-sql
so very specific versions need to be installed (source):
!pip3 install --upgrade SQLAlchemy==1.4.46
!pip3 install --upgrade PyMySQL==1.0.2
!pip3 install --upgrade ipython-sql==0.4.1
This has been included in the requirements.txt