
A sample of a Qt server running on nginx with FastCGI interface

Primary LanguageC++


A sample server wtitten with Qt5 and running on a nginx web-server with FastCGI interface. Uses libfcgi as FastCGI interace implementation and spawn-fcgi package to spawn app on a nginx port 5000. Includes some scripts to pack all as a docker image. Docker image may be launched with: sudo docker run --privileged -p 5000:5000 --hostname=fcgi_test fcgi_test launch_fcgi.sh uese just launch_fcgi.sh if nginx is set up on your local machine.

After launching fcgi_test the should display a nginx welcome page. The or should display a fcgi_test output: a number of requests answered and a list of environment variables available for the app. The REQUEST_URI= field will contain parameters part of url.

The sample may be useful for REST API creation with Qt.