
Simple Command Line Tool to Enumerate Slack Workspace Names from Slack Webhook URLs.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Command Line Tool to Enumerate Slack Workspace Names from Slack Webhook URLs.

You need a Slack OAuth User Token with team:read privs to enumerate a workspace name. These are free and easy to create.

Important: You can use any account's OAuth token to enumerate cross-workspace names. This means you can enumerate a workspace name for any Slack Webhook.

Installation & Usage

  1. Install the requests pypi library.
pip install requests
  1. Run the whoamislack.py script.
python3 whoamislack.py --token <TOKEN_VALUE> https://hooks.slack.com/T234DSLKJ/BSDFJWEK23/e9Wi324jlkasdf

The script takes one (or two) command line arguments.

  • A Slack User OAuth token with team:read privs (see below how to generate it). You can set an env variable named SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN to the token value or pass the token on the command line with the --token flag.
  • A Slack Webhook URL. This is a required and a positional argument.

Generate a Slack User OAuth Token

  1. Login to any Slack workspace (or create a new one) in the browser and visit https://api.slack.com/apps.
  2. Click Create New App. Select From scratch. Name it and associate it with a workspace.
  3. Click OAuth and Permissions under Features.
  4. Under Scopes > User Token Scopes, add the team:read permission.
  5. Scroll up. Under OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace, click Install to Workspace.
  6. Copy your User OAuth Token.