Do not use the master branch for HPS tau studies, used hps_at_hlt_10X

The master branch is currently compiling in CMSSW_9_4_0

Tau HLT Studies

Current HLT studies require rerunning the HLT menue on trigger studies samples. The code in THRAnalysis/TauHLTStudies is being set up for this purpose. WORK IN PROGRESS.

See where the instructions produce the vast majority of TauHLTStudies/python/

This commit has been mentioned as necessary (edit by hand if desired): cms-sw/cmssw#19211

git cms-addpkg  DataFormats/PatCandidates
vi DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/
cd TauHLTStudies
cmsRun python/

Tau and Electrons and Muons Tag and Probe

Get previous HLT_doubleTau35 work (only necessary if you want to compare to Riccardo's 2016 results)

cd TagAndProbe

For Elec + Muon triggers: EDAnalyzer is here: TagAndProbe/plugins/ Run via crab submissions here: TagAndProbe/test/ Then hadd the output files, transport locally Add puWeight terms using: puWeights/ which is set to use 2016 Moriond17 MC and full 2016 35.9/fb data nTruePU Then make the scalefactor output file and plots using: TagAndProbe/python/


cd GenAnalysis

Package used to calculate acceptance values for Z->TauTau analysis

To operate:

  1. run the analyzer over the DYJets sample file provided

cmsRun python/

  1. add pileup reweighting distribution

cd puWeights python cd ..

  1. print out initial and fiducal cut yields for each channel


  1. for detailed efficiency calculations print out file with all events for each channel passing fiducal cuts + another list with passing genMass window. This list will be compared to the events in the final signal region


  1. copy over your selected final cut based analysis tree to the main directory here (AcceptanceAnalyzer)

cp .......root .

  1. compare analysis selected events to the gen selected events and dump results to output file

python > dump.txt

  1. print results of the above dump. Not sure why I chose this route.
