Truid Client Integration

This repository contains example code showing how to integrate the Truid products.

See full documentation at



This is an example project showing how to access the Truid REST API from a backend service to read data. This example is written using Kotlin and spring-boot, but should be easy enough to understand to know how to access the Truid REST API using any lanuguage and technology.


$ docker build . -t example-backend


This is an example project that shows how to start a Truid flow from an app, running on the same device as the Truid App. The app is written in react-native for iOS and Android, but should be easy enough to understand to know how to start a flow using any language and technology.


This is an example project that shows how to start a Truid flow from a webapp, running in a browser either on the same device as the Truid App, or on a separate device.


$ docker build . -t example-web

Try it on Android + Mac/Windows

Register a Service

Register a Service in Truid to obtain OAuth2 client credentials. The service need the following properties:

  • Test Service: true
  • redirect_uris: http://localhost:8080/truid/v1/complete-signup, http://localhost:8080/truid/v1/complete-login


The redirect uris runs over plain http and on localhost. This is not secure, and only works on a test client.

Currently, the process of configuring a service in Truid requires contacting the Truid support and ask for a service to be registered.

Start the backend


  • Client ID and Secret
  • Docker

Start the backend:

$ export TRUID_CLIENT_ID=...
$ docker-compose up

Try the web client on separate device (QR flow)

Point your mac/windows browser to http://localhost:8080/index.html.

Select either Onboarding session or Login session

Try the web client on same device

Connect the Android phone using USB, developer mode need to be activated on the phone

Forward the 8080 port to localhost:

$ adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080

On the phone, point the browser to http://localhost:8080/index.html

Select either Onboarding session or Login session

Try the App to App Flow



  1. Android Studio
  2. Emulator supporting Android API v28 or later and including Google Play Store or a USB connected Android Phone with developer mode activated
  3. Yarn (Install by running $ npm install -g yarn)

Setup: Start the emulator in Android Studio - Device manager or connect your phone with USB

Give emulator/phone access to host localhost:8080 where example-backend is running

$ adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080

Install dependencies:

$ yarn install

Start the example app

Look in example-app/.env and ensure it correct:

$ yarn run android

The app should install and start automatically


When being redirected back to the Example App Android will ask if the link should be opened in the app or the browser. This can be avoided in a production environment if the domain in the redirect url is verified. On Android the URL should work as an Android App Link to open the app, and on iOS it should works as an Universal Link to open the app.

Try it on IOS + Mac

On iOS we need to run on a physical phone, the simulators doesn't work because we cannot reach app store and install the Truid App.

Register a Service

On your Mac, find the hostname your phone can use to access example-backend running in docker locally. Can be found under System Preferences -> Sharing It should be an address that ends with .local. (lets call this address your_hostname.local)

Register a Service in Truid to obtain OAuth2 client credentials. The service need the following properties:

  • Test Service: true
  • redirect_uris: http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/truid/v1/complete-signup, http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/truid/v1/complete-login, truidtest:///truid/v1/complete-signup, truidtest:///truid/v1/complete-login

The first redirect uri is used in the browser based use case and the second one is used in the app to app use case. In a production environment there only need to one redirect uri on the format https://your.domain/path But because we are running localhost in this example code we had to split them up for ios.


The redirect uris runs over plain http on the special top domain .local. This is not secure, and only works on a test client.

Currently, the process of configuring a service in Truid requires contacting the Truid support and ask for a service to be registered.

Start the backend


  • Client ID and Secret
  • Docker
  • your_hostname.local from your Mac

Start the backend: If you want to test web client:

$ export TRUID_REDIRECT_URI_SIGNUP=http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/truid/v1/complete-signup
$ export TRUID_REDIRECT_URI_LOGIN=http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/truid/v1/complete-login

If you want to test app to app:

$ export TRUID_REDIRECT_URI_SIGNUP=truidtest:///truid/v1/complete-signup
$ export TRUID_REDIRECT_URI_LOGIN=truidtest:///truid/v1/complete-login

In a production environment, where we can use a registered domain, the redirect uri can be the same in both cases.

$ export TRUID_CLIENT_ID=...
$ export TRUID_EXAMPLE_DOMAIN=http://<your_hostname.local>:8080
$ docker-compose up

Try the web client on separate device (QR flow)

Point your mac/windows browser to http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/index.html.

Select either Onboarding session or Login session.

Try the web client on same device

Connect the iPhone using USB

On the phone, point the browser to http://<your_hostname.local>:8080/index.html

Select either Onboarding session or Login session.

Try the App to App Flow


  1. Xcode
  2. Yarn (Install by running $ npm install -g yarn)

Open the ios workspace in Xcode (example-app/ios/ExampleApp.xcworkspace (note: not ExampleApp.xcodeproj)) In order to run react native on an iphone code signing is required in Xcode, this is covered in react-native documentation

Edit example-app/.env to


Start the example app on your device in Xcode