Demo Application

Application to demonstrate random connection reset in GCP.

This is a simple application consisting of two HTTP endpoints where the first endpoint invokes the second, via a Load Balancer when running in GCP, and the second endpoint does some queries to a DB.

The purpose is to generate some traffic to trigger the random connection reset bug.

Run Locally

Run locally:

$ ./mvnw package
$ docker-compose up

Invoke the endpoints:

$ curl -v http://localhost:8080/demo/first

Run in GCP

  1. Create a Storage Bucket to store the terraform state, and update in infra/
  2. Enter values in infra/env.tfvars
  3. Run the following commands:
$ ./mvnw package -Ddocker.arch=amd64
$ docker tag demo:latest $DOCKER_REPOSITORY/demo:latest
$ docker push $DOCKER_REPOSITORY/demo:latest

$ cd infra
$ terraform apply --var-file env.tfvars
  1. Set up a DNS record for the domain to point to the LB IP

Invoke the endpoints:

$ curl -v https://$DOMAIN/demo/first

Trigger the connection reset

while true; do
  sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 3 )  + 1 ]s
  curl -v
  sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 30 )  + 1 ]s
  curl -v
  sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 300 )  + 1 ]s
  curl -v