An adapter to create Android RecyclerViews with sections, providing headers and footers.
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#33 opened by myfGitup - 0
Scroll to position is not working
#32 opened by MuruganSKutty - 0
I used your library and the following problem
#31 opened by if-time - 0
How can I properly flush the internal area (onBindItemViewHolder) without using notifyDataSetChanged() too much data can affect performance
#30 opened by CaoXiLin - 0
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How can I combine the header item with the item to be an item?thanks,while i scrolling,the position is section,i want the position is the current section with the current section's header's item,not is only section
#27 opened by ZuJunJun - 1
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Customize Header
#25 opened by samuel2629 - 0
Problems in onBindViewHolder
#22 opened by hlandim - 3
How to make horizontal recylerview section wise
#21 opened by Feroz-Istar - 6
Recycleview returns wrong index on click
#13 opened by homedevs - 2
Does it work with RecyclerView.SortedList?
#20 opened by subediaayush - 3
Is there a way to add extra itemTypes
#19 opened by Qoderapps - 0
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make public getSectionIndex from view position and getPositionInsection from view position
#10 opened by brucexia - 1
Weird height problem with ImageView
#14 opened by ericntd - 7
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can't add refresh and load more
#9 opened by mavsforlife - 1
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No layout manager attached!!!
#1 opened by javierpe