Video -> Click
- Arduino UNO Board
- Arduino USB Cable
- Breadboard
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- L293D Motor Driver Module
- Resistors:1K (Brown, Black, Red) & 2.2K Ohm (Red, Red, Red)
- Robotics Kit Part: Robo Chasis, 2 DC Motor, Clamps, Screw Sets, Screw Driver, Nut Driver, 2 Wheels.
- Jumper Wires M-M & M-F.
- Connect a Jumper Wire between G29 to +ve (5V) Common Terminal on Breadboard.
- Open the Sketch for Voice-Controlled-Robot Program.
- Connect the USB cable with Arduino & Computer.
- Click on Upload Option to download the program in Arduino. Note: While downloading the program please disconnect the Rx & Tx Jumper wire from Arduino Board. Once you finish with the download then re connect the Rx & Tx Jumper Wire.
- Disconnect USB cable from Arduino & Connect 9V DC Battery to Arduino by using battery connector.
- Run the AMR_Voice App in your Android Smartphone.
- App will ask you to enable the Bluetooth. Allow It.
- Search for your Bluetooth Device HC-05-(Group No). Once Connected Red Led on Bluetooth module will blink once per second instead of fast blinking.
- Then control the devices from your Voice Commands on AMR_Voice App.
- Voice Commands to be used: forward, backward, left, right, stop.