
This repo contains all the details about how to create a Recycler View, and in addition to that, it also contains various methods involved inside a recycler view like - ex: how to handle touch events, how to swipe to delete, and much more...

Primary LanguageJava


This repo contains almost all the logic for implemeting recyclerview in your application.

Branches and associtaed implementation

Just select the from the branch to fetch the associated code:

  1. master : Basic Recycler View
  2. swipe_refresh: Implementation of Pull down to refresh recyclerview
  3. onclick_interface_listener: OnClick listener to recyclerview items, the proper way
  4. swipe_gestures: Swiping Left|Right on row items to delete/archive/etc
  5. drag_and_reorder : Draging a row item to another place inside recyclerview
  6. search_filter_recycler: Filtering recyclerview using the SearchView widget
  7. multi_viewtype: Multiple views for different row items in recycler view

You can watch my videos on youtube for a detailed explanation of the same

  1. RecyclerView Setup and full Explanation: https://youtu.be/9rcrYFO1ogc
  2. Pull down to refresh: https://youtu.be/Ffa0Mtd21_M
  3. On item click using Interface: https://youtu.be/AkiltTv0CjA
  4. Swipe Left|Right row items: https://youtu.be/rcSNkSJ624U
  5. Drag and reorder items: https://youtu.be/H9D_HoOeKWM
  6. Filter using SearchView: https://youtu.be/CTvzoVtKoJ8
  7. Multiple Views (getItemType()): https://youtu.be/VtnLpHUu2U0



This project is licensed under the MIT License.