
3 Things You Should Know About Me

#3 things about me

##Passionate I'm passionate. I've started MVMS Programming Club, a non-profit organization that teaches programming to students and I'm part of Catalyst 4 Success, another non profit that encourages STEM careers towards elementary students. This summer, I'm teaching students how to code through introductory coding camps.

I love to teach, and I love to learn.

##Driven I'm driven. I've built 3 apps in one year, and I found a way to incorporate my love of App Development in my English class, and thus I built [iMedici] (https://github.com/ronakdev/hh-google-20), which puts the user through the Renaissance to fully understand the impact of the Medicis.

Another app i built is [Swift Planner] (http://appstore.com/swiftplanner), an app designed to defeat procrastination by allowing users to get the option to "snooze" homework assignments.

My last app is [Multiplication Tables] (http://appstore.com/MultiplicationTables-LearnTimesTables), an app that teaches multiplication tables towards young kids in a simple, easy to learn method.

I have acquired over 2000 downloads on my apps so far.

##Resilient I don't give up easily. When I started programming in 7th grade, I hated it. I was annoyed that it wasn't easy (I was good at math, so this was confusing), and I hated myself for being unable to accomplish the programming tasks. However, I realized that programming was simply a really difficult puzzle, and thus I approached my problems better, and I chose to view the situations and tasks before me in a different, more logical approach. I've taken this logic-based approach and applied it towards all my classes, whether it be in APCS understanding Binary trees, or in AP European History, understanding Napoleon's decisions. Either way, I don't give up, and use my knowledge and logic to get me through even the toughest of problems.


I'm most excited to get together with like minded people to create the ideas I've been forced to hold in my mind. I can't wait to push the limits of what apps and other technologies can do.

One idea that I have is a bendable phone that can extend to the size of an iPad, but fits into your pocket as an iPhone. Boasting a UI as easy to use as iOS and as sophisticated as Android, this would be the SuperPhone.