
Unity Microgame for the Arcade Cabinet for WVRND

Primary LanguageASP

Inspire Mini Game

A Proof of Concept Micogame for the Arcade Cabinet


The following game currently uses online art and does not include the animations we intend to use in the final microgame sequences.


Download it for Mac, Linux, or Windows

If you encounter problems (I only tested for mac right now), feel free to check out the Exports Folder to see if you are missing the _data file.


Image of Gameplay

Gameplay works like this:

The Player is told, using @stevenyacoub's transition, "FIND THE THINKER"

The Player is to wait until a lightbulb goes on someone's head — this will happen anywhere between 3 and 5 seconds — (if they act before this, they lose for rushing the thinkers)

Once a lightbulb goes on, the Player has 5 seconds to press the action key in order to win.

Max Gameplay Time

10 seconds + transition time


  • Not pretty
  • Not using our art
  • Lacking Transitions