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ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper is a wrapper library that allows you to easily access your data from your Zesty.io website


  1. Installing ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper
  2. Initialization
  3. Using Basic JSON API
  4. Using Custom JSON Endpoints
  5. Example Project

Installing ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper

ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper uses Cocoapods.

Simply add

pod 'ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper'
pod 'SwiftyJSON' # required for custom JSON Endpoints

to your Podfile. (Example Podfile)


For example, creating a ZestyAPI Object for your website http://burger.zesty.site

 // Create the ZestyAPI Object
 let zesty = ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper(url: "http://burger.zesty.site")
  • note: If your website does not have an SSL Certificate (HTTPS), you will need to configure your app to allow for non HTTPS Calls. How to change this setting

Using Basic JSON API

  1. Enable the Basic JSON API in Config
  2. Get the zuid for the item / array you are looking for
  3. Use the according function (getItem or getArray)

Zuid Meanings and Functions to Use

  • Any zuid that starts with a 6 is an array of items (use getArray)
  • Any zuid that starts with a 7 is an object (use getItem)

Getting a Single Item

Gets a [String : String] json data for the specific zuid.

You can find the zuid by looking at the Content Tab of Zesty.

For example, getting a specific item with zuid 6-9bfe5c-ntqxrs

 // Create the ZestyAPI Object
 let zesty = ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper(url: "http://burger.zesty.site")
 let zuid = "6-9bfe5c-ntqxrs"

 zesty.getItem(for: zuid, { (item) in
     print(item) // item is a [String : String] dictionary, in JSON Format

Getting an Array

Gets a [[String : String]] array of json data for the specific zuid.

You can find the zuid by looking at the Content Tab of Zesty.

For example, getting a specific item with zuid 7-9bfe5c-ntqxrs

 // Create the ZestyAPI Object
 let zesty = ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper(url: "http://burger.zesty.site")
 let zuid = "7-9bfe5c-ntqxrs"
 zesty.getArray(for: zuid, { (items) in
     for item in items {
         print(item) // item is a [String : String] dictionary, in JSON Format

Using Custom JSON Endpoints

Gets a JSON object for the endpoint and parameters specified.

  • note: ZestyAPI uses SwiftyJSON to handle JSON objects. Make sure you add pod 'SwiftyJSON' to your Podfile in order to use the data returned.
  • The returned JSON object's methods reference can be found here.
  • If you want to use a different type of JSON parsing, the raw data can be extracted from the JSON object using json.rawString(options: [.castNilToNSNull: true]). More information on extracting the raw JSON String can be found here

A full tutorial to create your own custom JSON Endpoints through the Zesty Interface can be found here

Sample Usage

For example, using the custom endpoint menulist (Including the extension is only necessary for different file types ; .json is otherwise implied)

 // Create the ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper Object
 let zesty = ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper(url: "http://burger.zesty.site")
 let endpoint = "menulist"
 let parameters = ["location" : "San Diego"]
 getCustomData(from: endpoint, params: parameters, { (json) in
     print(item) // item is a [String : String] dictionary, in JSON Format

Example Project

To help you get started, we've also made an example project


Ronak Shah for Zesty.io


ZestySwiftContentEndpointWrapper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.