
Using Machine Learning to further analyze photos

Primary LanguagePython

Depression Era Photos Visualization

Research Conducted during my internship at SDSC (San Diego Super Computer Center)

The Problem

Working under Dr. Paul Rodriguez, we were given 171,000 Depression-Era Photos. We were supposed to extract valuable information from these images. The issue was, we had far too many images, and even with access to a supercomputer, it would take forever to test out different methods on the dataset. This meant we needed to test our algorithms first locally, and later, test it on the larger set.

Features We Looked For

  • Object Recognition
  • Face Detection

Initial Hurdles

Looking at the dataset, we quickly realized that each image had a border around them, which we would need to remove.

After looking at the images, I realized that there were straight lines at the top and bottom of the images right before the border. Thus, I employed the usage of the Hough Lines transform in order to find all straight lines. From there, I figured out which were the top/bottom most lines and which were the left/right most lines. Then, I cropped.

Visual Representation

Object Recognition

After first looking for different object recognition softwares, I finally settled on Darknet.

Darknet, more specifically, the YOLO algorithm, allowed us to quickly and easily perform object recognition. By making "predictions with a single network evaluation", Darknet's YOLO is able to perform extremely fast (as it relies on only one NN per image). (Redmon)

How Yolo Works

We deployed the program on a small sample size of 90 images, and found it having an 82% predictive value.

Yolo In Action

Yolo Results

True False
True 74 (correctly found the object) 13 (didn't find the object)
False 3 (incorrectly indentified the object)


Paul Rodriguez (Amazing Mentor) Ethan Yao (My partner, did the Face Detection)