
An visualization web app for the interactive design of drugs on Hypothesis & Branching platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An visualization web app for the interactive design of drugs on Hypothesis & Branching platform.


hnbeye is an online React-based web app which will parse the input files/args from query parameters of request URI and dynamically render a page for further user interaction or embedded into other web services.

It has these main features:

  • Pharmacophore Model Visualization: [?type=pharmod]
  • Sankey Plot: [?type=sankey]
  • Candidates Table View: [?type=candidates]
  • Scaffold Graph View: [?type=scaffgraph]
  • Protein Structure NGLView: [?type=protein]


The yarn and npm are required, here is the list of the installation manual:

After installation of npm and yarn, you can launch the demo through commands below:

yarn run start


All the visualization Component are listed under the /components/ folder. A typical way of extending a new component would have 2 steps:

Step 1. Create a new Component under /components/.

import { React, Component } from 'react';
import { Stage } from 'ngl';

class CustomizedView extends Component {
    static VIEW_TYPE = 'customized'

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            queryParams: null,
            argsURI: null,
            args: null,

    // Other source code ...

where 3 elements should be defined:

  • VIEW_TYPE: it will be used in App.js for parsing and initializing Component.
  • queryParams: it has all the query parameters in the request URI as a dictionary.
  • Coding for view: your source code define the React Component acts as you expected.

Step 2. Enable type query parameters parsing in App.js.

The main branching of choosing which component to be rendered looks like the lines below:

if ('type' in query_params) {
    const view_type = query_params['type']
    if (view_type) {
        if (view_type.toLowerCase() === PharModView.VIEW_TYPE) {
            // e.g. ?pdb=/test/pharmod/5kcv-phar.pdb&sdf=/test/pharmod/5kcv-phar.sdf&type=pharmod
            return <PharModView queryParams={query_params} />;
        } else if (view_type.toLowerCase() === ScaffgraphView.VIEW_TYPE) {
            return <ScaffgraphView queryParams={query_params} />;
        } else if (view_type.toLowerCase() === ProteinView.VIEW_TYPE) {
            return <ProteinView queryParams={query_params} />;
        } else if (view_type.toLowerCase() === SankeyView.VIEW_TYPE) {
            return <SankeyView queryParams={query_params} />;
        } else if (view_type.toLowerCase() === CandidatesView.VIEW_TYPE) {
            return <CandidatesView queryParams={query_params} />;

Define the extended VIEW_TYPE for your own component.

Demo Screenshot



Pharmacophore Model Viz

Pharmacophore Model Viz