Bot trading coins
docker build -t trumhemcut/tradebot .
Get help
docker run trumhemcut/tradebot --help
Usage: [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-c|--coin <COIN> Trade Coin, e.g. ADA | XVG
-d|--delta <DELTA> Expected Delta, e.g. 0.00000010
-auto|--isautotrading Auto Trader Mode On/Off
-f|--tradeflow <BuyAtBinanceSellAtBittrex> BuyAtBinanceSellAtBittrex | SellAtBinanceBuyAtBittrex | AutoSwitch
-q|--quantity <QUANTITY> Quantity to trade
-w|--win <PlusPointToWin> Plus Point To Win e.g. 0.00000003
-t|--testmode Test Mode On/Off
Buy at Binance, Sell at Bittrex
docker run -d --name xvgbotr trumhemcut/tradebot \
-c XVG \
-d 0.00000012 \
-auto \
-f BuyAtBinanceSellAtBittrex \
-q 1000 \
-w 0.00000001
Sell at Binance, Buy at Bittrex
docker run -d --name xvgbot trumhemcut/tradebot \
-c XVG \
-d 0.00000012 \
-auto \
-f SellAtBinanceBuyAtBittrex \
-q 1000 \
-w 0.00000001
My ADA wallet address:
Be carefull in release mode!!!
All rights reserved by @trumhemcut.