To Run

  1. Download the project, either by downloading the zip file, or cloning the repository
  2. Open a command prompt in the API folder
  3. run the following commands, this will get the API up and running
    1. dotnet retore
    2. cd .\API\
    3. dotnet run
  4. Open a web brower and go to the following link, you should see a message saying "Test Data Setup", this will initialize the in memeory data store with all the needed data
    1. https://localhost:5001/api/setup
  5. Open a new command prompt in the UI folder
  6. Run the following commands, it will get the UI up and running
    1. npm install
    2. ng serve
  7. Open a web browser and go to the following link to view the UI
    1. http://localhost:4200/