- 0
wrong horizon
#32 opened by KUJensen - 0
- 0
Target Pitch
#33 opened by KUJensen - 0
Compiled under ubuntu 18.04 and works :)
#37 opened by nafergo - 1
- 1
- 2
linux version?
#36 opened by nafergo - 1
Marzipano not supported
#1 opened by trumpton - 2
Unable to transfer resource files.
#28 opened by hansnolte - 1
Question: where should I put lib?
#29 opened by Riclim - 1
VC Redistributable cannot be deselected
#30 opened by trumpton - 3
- 0
Need: Marzipano icon selection
#24 opened by trumpton - 0
Pannellum shows the initial view points
#26 opened by trumpton - 1
Face Generation Has Feint Lines
#25 opened by trumpton - 0
Need: Initial view
#23 opened by trumpton - 0
Webserver launch check missing
#22 opened by trumpton - 1
- 1
Pannellum files are embedded as a resource
#18 opened by trumpton - 1
- 1
- 0
Node Selection is 'one behind' in MinGW/Wine
#17 opened by trumpton - 1
Menu shortcuts do not mimic buttons
#3 opened by trumpton - 0
- 0
Progress jumps about when exporting
#19 opened by trumpton - 1
Configuration pmp file uses absolute paths
#6 opened by trumpton - 2
- 1
Links in About Dialog Don't work
#14 opened by trumpton - 0
- 1
Progress Dialog Displays incorrect %
#7 opened by trumpton - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Windows Application Does not Render Faces
#9 opened by trumpton - 0
Files untidy
#8 opened by trumpton - 0
Tour Properties dialog formatting
#5 opened by trumpton - 0