Java implementation of mathematical functions for large numbers. The implementation uses some of the fastests algorithms know. See benchmark tests below.
For numbers less than 22 digits the PollardRho algoritm is used. For numbers larger than 22 digits the algorithm will use ECM/Siqs.
The ECM/Siqs implementation is the same algorithm decribed here and by same auhor:
Factorization time depends on the size of the second largest primefactor. If the second largest primefactor has over 45 digits the factorization can take many days. See the benchmark tests below.
BigMathFast.factorize(BigInteger b)
The inverse euler totient uses the algorithm described by Hansraj Gupta:
BigMathFast.inverseEulerTotient(BigInteger b)
BigMathFast.eulerTotient(BigInteger b)
Finds the best rational approximation to a BigDecimal. Precision up to 10000 digits. Can take maximum denominator value or maximum number of digits in denominator as input.
BigMathFast.PI constant has the first 5400 digits of PI
FareyRationalApproxmation.fareyApproxWithMaxDenom(BigMathFast.PI, new BigInteger("999"));
Will return 355/113
FareyRationalApproxmation.fareyApproxWithMaxDenom(BigMathFast.PI, 5); //Maximum denominator will be 99999
Will return 312689/99532
Add these two blocks to your .m2/settings.xml
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
<password>password or token</password>
Download the stand alone jar:
Main method to try the factorization:
java -cp bigmathfast-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar dk.teg.bigmathfast.BigMathFast 5519446392203102380014492878452138579184343772913786312128
Number of digits | bigmathfast(ECM) | Math Wolfram | PARI |
30 | 80 millis | ||
40 | 290 millis | ||
50 | 1.2 sec | ||
60 | 4,7 sec | 10.6 sec | |
70 | 25 sec | 21 minutes | 55 sec |
80 | 6 minuntes 30 sec | 12 hour 30 minutes | 16 minutes |
90 | 1 hours 16 minutes | 6 days 16 hours | 3 hours 37 minutes |
(*) Numbers from benchmark table:
30 digits 147275865199119510385557165977 = 26573469154506 * 554221446747557
40 digits: 1468859383233401953850079471177142403357 = 4344062700916566703 * 33813033659101719361
50 digits: 8924060181263144762913076834769824195165519271249 = 1580680038114991309325617 * 5645709420045157326539297
60 digits: 57006543036882955477733064155963100765859988504898777062311 = 135153797414605589804898502907 * 421790168884462740869075554373
70 digits: 2008366610044614145105509426936481148630631765118331491742083502567441 = 229 * 13296624793876881897048465625547 * 659577900793976541082703745871501207
80 digits: 93035149443954345347665179408833277091909532522394543659489519897196854705698057 = 9365079368113765900517013922746586856483 * 9934261717067827536371100301835771377379
90 digits: 235619162309580984868967318620943039846576548536713751373304739395055583551615448989006587 = 477116622855714229032892479353541386967943093 * 493839767936224340101985740267792644210443759