MsCoreOne is a simple Ecommerce with using many technologies such as .NET 5, Entity Framework Core 5, React 16.13 with modern Clean Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, SOLID, Identity Server 4, Blazor. It will focus on resolving the problems always see in the process to develop projects.
- apchenjunGuangZhou
- baotoqViet Nam
- CleytonGoncalvesBrazil
- emelkrmlİstanbul
- hcchappyFlextronics
- hieucodecraft
- hs41-18Milan, Italy
- htactive-nhattvm
- huynhtrung1404Ho Chi Minh city
- iaytiMatech Information Technologies
- jillmnolanSamret, Inc.
- KaGaDV
- kamapcrazyVietnam
- khiemngBGSV
- lebatuananhICHIBA GLOBAL
- libritySantander Corporate & Investment Banking
- nongtranHCM, Vietnam
- phuonghdNashTech Global HCM
- PlatfozaDmitriyVasilev
- quangquy87
- sangluu884
- shashank-krLondon
- SwarnenduDasKWCanada
- tansuasiciLB Bilisim
- thiennnNashTech
- tonnystark
- tonyqusVerisk
- tridungphamHanoi, Vietnam
- trucmedia
- trungcaotPositive Thinking Company
- ttpthaoNetcompany
- tungmVietnam
- usr-igu@usadosbr
- vothanhduc55Viet Nam
- xuan2261VietNam
- zeroitp