
Development has been moved to a new repo (https://github.com/trungdtbk/bgpreplay)

Primary LanguagePython

Python BGP update generator. It can generate updates (announcement/withdraw) from MRT file or randomly generated ones to a BGPspeaker.

Required YaBGP or ExaBGP to run.

Generate updates from MRT file

  • MRT file can be compressed in bz2 or gz
  • Update rate based on relative timestamps in MRT file
  • Support ORIGIN, ASPath, LOCAL-PREF
  • Next hop will be generated randomly from a pre-defined range

Generate updates randomly

  • Generate updates with random prefixes at fix rate
  • Multiple prefixes per update
  • It randomly generates announcements or withdrawals
  • Number of prefixes per update will be randomly generated
  • AS path is fixed [10 20 30]
  • Support generating only announcements, or withdrawals or both (mixed)


Parameters can be set via environment varibles or via commandline

  • --mode (env BGPGEN_MODE): mode to run, either MRT_FILE or RAND (default)
  • --type (env BGPGEN_TYPE): mode to run, either MRT_FILE or RAND (default)
  • --mrt_file (env BGPGEN_MRT_FILE): path to mrt file
  • --agent (env BGPGEN_AGENT): bgp agent to use. Currently supported YaBGP only.
  • --srv_addr (env BGPGEN_SRV_ADDR): YaBGP server address (default
  • --count (env BGPGEN_COUNT): number of updates to send, 0 to run infinitely.
  • --rate (env BGPGEN_RATE): update rate, default 1 per second.
  • --max_prefix (env BGPGEN_MAX_PREFIX): max number of prefixes per update, default 4.
  • --next_hop_range (env BGPGEN_NEXTHOP_RANGE): range of nexthops to be used (randomly selected). Default (

How to run

1. Install and start YaBGP on any PC

  • from pip: pip install yabgp
  • from source: git clone https://github.com/trungdtbk/yabgp
  • cd yabgp/bin
  • ./yabgp --bgp-local_as <ASN> --bgp-remmote_as <ASN> --bgp-remote_addr <IP>

[--bgp-remote_port <PORT>] --rest-bind_host --rest-bind_port 8080

2. Run BGP generator

Run with Docker

A docker container with YaBGP installed and a script to run update generator.

1. from bgp-update-gen directory - docker build -t bgp-update-gen . - ENV: - BGP_LOCAL_AS - BGP_LOCAL_ADDR - BGP_PEER_ADDR - BGP_PEER_AS - BGP_PEER_PORT