
New Generation Search

Primary LanguageJavaScript


New Generation Search

Including modules:



To crawl data webpage from the Intenet. We chose Wikipedia website for this project.

How to run?

  1. Clone this project to your local
  2. Edit configuration of crawler in BasicCrawlController.java file
  3. Cd to directory: Crawler/
  4. Run command to start crawling: "bash run.sh"
  5. If it occurs error in compiling, please ENABLE the first line of file run.sh, and re-run the command in line 4.



To search a query

How to run?

  1. Clone this project to your local
  2. Cd to directory: Crawler/
  3. Run command to start crawling: "bash search.sh programming" (if you want to search for "programming")
  4. If the program gets error when running, please compile system first by command "mvn compile"
  5. Result would be returned on both screen and file : "./src/main/resources/ResultSearch.txt"

Bash run Controller

  1. Copy file ./Crawler/src/main/java/bashRunController.java to your project
  2. In bashRunController.java, change path to Crawler
  3. Change path to Crawler in ./Crawler/search.sh
  4. Run class bashRunController.

FrontEnd to BackEnd

How to transfer from Java Structure to Java Web Structure?

  1. File -> Project Structure -> Facets -> + -> choose Web
  2. File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts -> + -> Web Application-Exploded
  3. Put "GetSearchServlet.java" to Indexing directory, and put "search.jsp" to web directory
  4. You can see error in "GetSearchServelt.java", move cursor on error part, it would show add library, and then download library
  5. You can ignore "Cannot find JSONOject error"
  6. File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> + from Maven -> find "edu.uci.ics:crawler4j:4.4.0"
  7. Then you can see Top-Right, it shows add configuration, choose Tomcat local, choose the location where your tomcat locate
  8. In Run/Debug Configuration window, choose "Deployment Tab", add your project artifact to it, and and green triangle should be activated
  9. Finally, edit "web.xml" under WEB-INF, paste this one, this would let server know which web page to show
  1. Press green triangle button, run server
  2. When you type something, press search button, the console should show "Enter Servlet Controller Post Do" which is in "GetSearchServlet.java"


NegenSerach shall allow for:

[DONE] • Case sensitive search: The system shall store the input as given and retrieve the input also as such;

[DONE] • Hyperlink enforcement: When the user clicks on the URL, which has been retrieved as the result of a query, the system shall take the user to the corresponding web site;

[DONE] • Specifying OR/AND/NOT Search: A keyword-based search is usually an OR search, i.e., a search on any of the keywords given. The system shall allow the user to specify the mode of search, using “OR”, “AND” or “NOT”;

[DONE] • Multiple search engines: to run concurrently;

• Deletion of out-of-date URL: and corresponding description from the database;

[DONE] • Listing of the query result in ascending alphabetical order; most frequently accessed order, or per payment,

[DONE] • Setting the number of results to show per page, and navigation between pages;

• Autofill, while correcting typographical errors,

[DONE] • Filtering out symbols that are not meaningful, according to the user configuration.