This project aims to solve the problem of finding shortest path in 2D Matrix using Blind Search and Heuristic Search
Given a matrix of N*M order (N row, M column). Find the shortest distance from a source cell to a destination cell, traversing through limited cells only. This problem is meant for single source and destination. You can move only up, down, left and right. In the matrix, each cell is represented by a character, which is:
S represents ‘source’
D represents ‘destination’
1 represents cell you can travel
0 represents cell you can not travel
First row is N and M. In the next N rows, each row includes M characters representing the cells.
Print out the shortest Distance and Sample of the path.
- Input
4 5
S 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 D
- Output
Shortest Distance = 7
Sample of path:
S 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 D
In this project, I am going to solve this problem with:
- blind search algorithms:
- Breadth-first
- Uniform-cost
- Depth-first
- Depth-limited
- Iterative deepening
- heuristic search algorithms:
- Hill climbing
- Beam search
- Best-first search
- A* search.
All the algorithm will has been run on the same input and the same computer. The comparison would be provided and the evaluation is based on: Complete, Time, Space, and Optimal.