My website

Built using the remote theme template for the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme.

I've made the following custom adjustments:

  • I'm using a simple landing page with a "Welcome" message instead of the theme's default home page layout (i.e. one with a "recent posts" feed). See here or here. This also meant that I moved the paginator for recent posts to blog/index.html. See here.
  • Added academic icons to the site author section (LHS) of the page. Basically, this involved downloading the icon CSS set and copying across academicons.css and academicons.min.css to the css/ directory. The icons can then be referenced and used in the _config.yml file (e.g. "ai ai-google-scholar" for the Google Scholar icon).
  • Changed the default syntax highlighting (i.e. the embedded code chunks) to Solarized light. See here and here.
  • Speaking of code chunks, I've also added R blogdown functionality for writing and converting .Rmd posts with integrated code. See here.

This is relevant only to my site — I'm writing it down as a reminder for myself — but I also ran the following changes after updating from my old version of Minimal Mistakes to fix some post aesthetics. The latter were themselves relics leftover after converting my original blogger website.

cd _posts
sed -i '/^layout:/d;/^date:/d;/^modified_time:/d;/^blogger_id:/d' *.md *.html
sed -i 's/\/images\/post-images/\/assets\/images\/post-images/g' *.md *.html
sed -i 's/\\(-\\)/\—/g' *.html
sed -i 's/<u><a href/<a href/g' *.html
sed -i 's/<\/u><\/a>/<\/a>/g' *.html