
a simple app that demonstrates koa + postgres + other useful abstractions https://github.com/danneu/koa-skeleton

Primary LanguageHTML



You must have Postgres installed. https://www.linode.com/docs/databases/postgresql/use-postgresql-relational-databases-on-ubuntu-16-04

createdb koa-skeleton
git clone git@github.com:danneu/koa-skeleton.git
cd koa-skeleton
touch .env
npm install
npm run reset-db
npm run start-dev

> Server is listening on http://localhost:3000...

Create a .env file in the root directory which will let you set environment variables. npm run start-dev will read from it.

Example .env:


Configuration (Environment Variables)

koa-skeleton is configured with environment variables.

You can set these by putting them in a .env file at the project root (good for development) or by exporting them in the environment (good for production, like on Heroku).

You can look at app/config.js to view these and their defaults.

Evironment Variable Type Default Description
NODE_ENV String "development" Set to "production" on the production server to enable some optimizations and security checks that are turned off in development for convenience.
PORT Integer 3000 Overriden by Heroku in production.
DATABASE_URL String "postgres://localhost:5432/koa-skeleton" Overriden by Heroku in production if you use its Heroku Postgres addon.
TRUST_PROXY Boolean false Set it to the string "true" to turn it on. Turn it on if you're behind a proxy like Cloudflare which means you can trust the IP address supplied in the X-Forwarded-For header. If so, then this.request.ip will use that header if it's set.
HOSTNAME String undefined Set it to your hostname in production to enable basic CSRF protection. i.e. example.com, subdomain.example.com. If set, then any requests not one of `GET
RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY String undefined Must be set to enable the Recaptcha system. https://www.google.com/recaptcha
RECAPTCHA_SITESECRET String undefined Must be set to enable the Recaptcha system. https://www.google.com/recaptcha
MESSAGES_PER_PAGE Integer 10 Determines how many messages to show per page when viewing paginated lists
USERS_PER_PAGE Integer 10 Determines how many users to show per page when viewing paginated lists

Don't access process.env.* directly in the app. Instead, require the app/config.js and access them there.