Hey there! I'm Trungtaxp.


👨🏻‍💻 About Me

  • 🔭   I’m currently working on Web Application Development
  • 🤔   Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
  • 🎓   Sofware Engineering.
  • 💼   Full stack Web developer.
  • ✍️   Reading book, watching Films and trying out latest technology trends as hobbies/side hustles.

🛠 Tech Stack

  • 💻   Php | Laravel | Java | Reach | Next
  • 🌐   HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | Tailwinds | Livewrire
  • 🛢   MySQL | Apache | Nginx | Docker
  • 🔧   Deployer | Git
  • 🖥   Linux | MacOs | Window

👨‍💻 Github Stats

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⭐️ From Trungtaxp