
A react native version of backbone model

Primary LanguageJavaScript


As react native does not support Node.js HTTP module, react-native-backbone helps you to connect to your REST api or localStorage much easier using the same concept of Backbone models and collections.

  • You can simply call "save", "fetch", "destroy" method on each model to sycn them to your REST api.
  • "fetch" collections from REST api.
  • Using model.get() to retrieve data from model
  • Add an extra layer of the fetch method to check if the status API returns is not 200. Returns an json file instead of response object.

To do:

  • syncronize with localStorage

Table of content


The easiest way to install: npm install react-native-backbone

And require it in your React Native app: var RNBackbone = require('react-native-backbone'); or ES6: import RNBackbone from 'react-native-backbone';


RNBackbone.Model is extended from backbone. The usages is almost the same as Backbone.Model, but some methods might be differnt.

Create a model class

var Car = RNBackbone.Model.extend({
	rootUrl: "http://www.your-domain.com/car"
	//More options to be added

rootUrl: the root url where this model connects to.

  • value: String or function. If its a function it should return a string.

Create an instance

var bmw = new Car({
	"make": "BMW",
	"model": "428i",
	"year": 2014

You can create a model using the new keyword. You can pass an object as the initial value of the model, you can also create an empty model.

Model methods:

bmw.set('mpg', '23')

this will set the atrribute mpg to 23.

  • If the attribute does not exist, this attribute will be added to the model.
  • If the attribute does exist, the value will be replaced.

You can also pass a json object as the argument:

	"mpg": 23,
	"color": "white"
bmw.unset('mpg', '23')

The attribute "mpg" will be deleted

  • Unset does not take json object or array as argument.

This will return ture if "id" attribute does not exist

var option = {
		"Authentication":"Bearer SOME_TOKEN"

bmw.save(option, function(error){
    if(error) console.log(error);

Save this model to the server, this is POST for new model and PUT for existing model

  • option: (optional) ** option.headers: the headers to be added to the HTTP request
bmw = new Car({
	id: 1

    if(error) console.log(error);

Fetch this model from the server, this is GET request

  • To fetch an model, ID has to be set.
  • option: (optional) ** option.headers: the headers to be added to the HTTP request
bmw.delete(option, function(error){
    if(error) console.log(error);

Delete this model to the server, this is DELETE method

  • To delete an model, ID has to be set.
  • option: (optional) ** option.headers: the headers to be added to the HTTP request


There is only one sync method supported for collection: fetch

var Cars = RNBackbone.Colletion.extend({
	model: Car,
	url: 'https://YOUR_URL/cars
var cars = new Cars();
	success: ()=>{


As of react-native-backbone 0.1.0, we provides two different storage connectors.


fetchStorage is the default storage connectors used by RNBackbone. It uses the built-in "fetch" method of React-Native


If you want to send some headers in every request, you can set it up here.

import fetchStorage from 'react-native-backbone/src/storages/fetch'
	"Authentiacation":"Bearer SOME_TOKEN"


Send simple HTTP request This is based on the React Native fetch method. It has a simple error checking to check if the response status is not between 200-208 or 226. The returned object is a json instead of a response object

//Set up request object
var request = {
    method: 'post',
    headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
        "app":"FM Business",

var url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA';

fetchStorage.send(url, request, function(error, json){
                    console.log("encountered error: ", error);

request object: the same object used for fetch()


React Native's "asycnStorage" is a key-value pair storage, which is not ideal for the backbone concept. react native backbone uses a JavaScript library Realm for local storage

Setting up Realm

  • RNBackbone has declared Realm as its dependency. But if you plan to use Realm in your project, you have to set it up using rnpm: rpm link realm
  • Then you have to config RNBackbone to use Realm:
import RNBackbone from 'react-native-backbone';
import realmStorage from 'react-native-backbone/src/storages/realm';
RNBackbone.storage = realmStroage;
  • Realm requires you to declare the schema of each Models before using them:
	const CarSchema = {
	  name: 'Car',
	  properties: {
		 make:  'string',
		 model: 'string',
		 miles: {type: 'int', default: 0},

Realm doc about models: https://realm.io/docs/react-native/latest/#models

  • Initialize realmStorage:
    • Realm requires to provide ALL schemas before using it.
    • realmStorage connector's init() methods allows RNBackbone to create a Realm instance using your schemas.
  models: [Car, People]

Realm doc about models: https://realm.io/docs/react-native/latest/#models

Now you can start using RNBackbone as normal

Realm Filter

If you are fetching a collection and you want to filter the objects, you can pass the filter option to the fetch method:

var Cars = RNBackbone.Colletion.extend({
	model: Car,
	url: 'https://YOUR_URL/cars
var cars = new Cars();
	filters: {
	    make: 'bmw'
	success: ()=>{