Primary LanguagePython

Nested Variational Autoencoder for Topic Modeling with Word Vectors

This is the implementation of the Nested Variational Autoencoder, which is a neural network that perform topic modeling and can leverage word embeddings. The experiment datasets are hosted at [link].


This implementation requires Python >= 3.5. Package dependencies are included in requirements.txt


$ python train.py --layers --save_path --ntopics --epoch [--beta1] [--beta2] [--batch_size] --lr --temp --train_data [--test_data] [--label_test] --word2idx [--word_vec] [--wv_size] [--train_wv] [--alpha] --burn_in [--accumulate_metrics] [--experiment_name]

where arguments in [] are optional

  • layers: specify the size of the fully connected layers. For example: 128,128 means that there are 2 layers, each of them has 128 units.
  • save_path: the path of the directory to save the training result.
  • ntopics: number of topics
  • epoch: number of epochs.
  • beta1 and beta2: the hyperparameters of the Adam Optimizer.
  • batch_size: batch size.
  • lr: the maximum learning rate and the number of iterations to reach the maximum value, separate by a comma. For example: 8e-3,10 means that the maximum learning rate is 8e-3 and this value is reached after 10 iterations.
  • temp: the minimum value and the number of iterations to reach this value of temperature of the Gumbel-Softmax. For example: 0.5,20 means that the minimum temperature is 0.5 and this value is reached after 20 iterations.
  • train_data: path to the training data where each example is a list of pairs of (word, count) (look at the experiment data for more detail).
  • test_data: path to the test data with similar format to the training data.
  • label_test: path to the labels of the test data for document clustering evaluation.
  • word2idx: path to the word2idx file which is a json file consists of an object where its keys are the words in the vocabulary and its values are the indices. Index start from 0.
  • word_vec: path to the word embedding files which is a 2-D numpy array where each row corresponding to a vector of a word whose index matches the row index. Row 0 is a vector of zeros.
  • wv_size: if the path to the pretrained word embedding word_vec is not provided, this argument indicates the size of the randomly initialized word embeddings.
  • train_wv: a boolean argument indicates whether or not to fine tune the word embeddings.
  • alpha: the parameter of the Dirichlet prior distribution.
  • burn_in: the number of iterations before training the alpha value.
  • accumulate_metrics: the path to the file to save the experiment result if test data is provided.
  • experiment_name: the name of the experiment to save in the accumulate_metrics file.

To run the experiment, download the experiment data and run the corresponding scripts. For example, to run the experiment on the N20small dataset with 6 topics and GloVe pretrained word embeddings :

bash N20small.sh runs/N20small 6 glove N20small,6,glove runs/result.csv

To run the model on a new dataset, please format the dataset according to the experiment data. Remember that word index start from 0.