
Basic about traditional image processing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Basic about traditional image processing: some operations in image processing


1. Run by colab

You have to open colab and some commands

Step 1: Clone git

Command: !git clone https://github.com/truongcntn2017/ImageProcessing.git

Step 2: Move into directory

Command: cd ImageProcessing/

Step 3:

Download Image_processing.ipynb

Upload Image_processing.ipynb

2. Run by Visual Studio Code and others

You have to open terminal and some commands

Step 1:

Command: !git clone https://github.com/truongcntn2017/ImageProcessing.git

Step 2:

Command: cd ImageProcessing/

Step 3:

Command: source MyEnv/bin/activate

Step 4:

To run blur and write blur image to data directory Command: python3 Blur/blur.py

To run blur and write colorTransformer image to data directory Command: python3 ColorTransformer/colortransformer.py

To run blur and write GeometricTransformer image to data directory Command: python3 GeometricTransformer/geometrictransformer.py


  1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29731726/how-to-calculate-a-gaussian-kernel-matrix-efficiently-in-numpy

  2. https://towardsdatascience.com/image-geometric-transformation-in-numpy-and-opencv-936f5cd1d315

  3. https://github.com/huskarit99/Image_Processing_HCMUS