
Basic react native project using Expo & Ignite

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic source structure for a React Native project using Expo & Ignite

I. Learn React Native:

II. To start with Project

  1. Setup CLIs

npm i -g react-native-cli
npm i -g ignite-cli

  1. Setup Expo XDE

Go to https://github.com/expo/xde to download & install Expo XDE tool which helps create & debug app on mobile

  1. Install Expo Client

Go to App Store/Google Playstore, find and install Expo Client app on your Iphone/Android device

  1. Clone source code from this repository to your PC

git clone https://github.com/truonggiangdao/rn-expo-base.git

  1. Remove .git folder on your source code (so that you can use on your project GIT repo)

cd rn-expo-base
rm -rf ./.git

  1. Install package dependencies

npm i

  1. Open Expo XDE on your PC and run this project

III. Coding Convention

This project is setted up with following Style guides:

To run code checking (linting):

npm run lint

IV. Unit testing

Each components in your project should have a test file. Naming convention: yourComponent.test.js where yourComponent is the name of the component you are writing test for. To run unit test:

npm run test