A REST API to download Youtube videos.
Download a Youtube video using 2 separate GET requests:
You can send the first GET
request to https://grab-it.onrender.com/youtube?url=<youtube-video-url>
where <youtube-video-url>
is the URL to the Youtube video you want to download.
Since the server will retrieve the video when it receives the request, it can take a while depending on the size of the video.
The data will contain multiple fields representing the data of the video, but the field you need the most is download_file_id
in order to download the file with the second GET
"success": false,
"data": {
"download_file_id": "01e15d35-d074-4ca7-9eaa-0acf9ecdf702",
"duration": 12,
"duration_string": "12",
"dynamic_range": "SDR",
"ext": "webm",
"filesize_approx": 616626,
"format": "248 - 1920x1080 (1080p)+251 - audio only (medium)",
"format_id": "248+251",
"format_note": "1080p+medium",
"fps": 25,
"fulltitle": "10 Seconds Timer with Music",
"height": 1080,
You will then need to grab the value at download_file_id
send the second request to the endpoint https://grab-it.onrender.com/download/<download_file_id>
The server will send back the downloaded Youtube file. The following is an example to download the file in Python:
import wget # pip install wget
download_file_id = "01e15d35-d074-4ca7-9eaa-0acf9ecdf702"
endpoint = "https://grab-it.onrender.com/download/" + download_file_id
wget.download(endpoint, "C:/Users/hoang/Downloads/my_video.webm")
Required Python3.7
or higher, along with venv
and pip
You can automate the setup process by running the setup script: python3 bin/setup.py