
Open source eCommerce platforms for your online business use laravel framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Open source e-commerce for business use laravel framework

Demo | Demo admin | Home page | Installation

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About S-cart

Free Open source E-commerce use Laravel framework for Business


List Functions of S-cart

======= SHOPPING =======

  • Multi-language
  • Currencies
  • Customer sign up
  • Purchase history
  • Process cart
  • Manage product: price sale, cost price, promotion price, quantity, multi images, attributes ..
  • Categories product
  • Brand product
  • Api manager

======= SYSTEM MANAGEMENT =======

  • Manage & permission users, groups
  • Customer management
  • Image management
  • Order management: edit orders, update payment status, shipping status ...
  • Order history
  • Report: chart, statistics, export csv, pdf...
  • Generate image thumbnail, watermark
  • Manage banner, logo
  • Configure email SMTP
  • System configuration: turn off website, hide / show products

======= EXTENSIONS =======

  • Shipping
  • Discount
  • Payment ...Support for integrated extension from 3rd party

======= MODULES =======

  • Blog/News
  • Cms content: content categories, entries ...Support for integrated modules from 3rd party


Version 1.6 ~ 2.1.x:

Core laravel framework 5.6. Requirements::

- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension

Installation & configuration:

How to map your domain to s-cart? CLICK HERE

Step1: Install last version S-cart

composer create-project lanhktc/s-cart


  • Chmod -R 777 public/documents/website
  • Chmod -R 777 storage
  • Chmod -R 777 vendor
  • Folder thumbnail is public/documents/website/thumb.


- Create a new database. Example database name is s-cart


=> From version 2.1.1, you can install s-cart by link: your-domain.com/install.php

Then, access your-domain.com/install.php to install S-cart.
If installing with link "install.php" unsuccessful, you can install it manually below.

OR manual installation:

- Import file sql database/s-cart.sql to database.
- Rename file .env.example to .env if file .env not exist.
- Genarate API key if APP_KEY is null. Use command "php artisan key:generate"
- Config value of file .env:


NOTE: Please remove or rename file public/install.php so others cannot access it.


  • Access to url admin: your-domain/system_admin.
  • User/pass admin/admin
