
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This project is froked from https://github.com/davidgalindo/react-native-arcgis-mapview.

Install the package and link it

$ yarn add ll-arcgis-mapview
$ cd ios
$ pod install


import ArcGISMapView, { setLicenseKey } from 'll-arcgis-mapview';

const key = 'AAPK...IestQ';
let agsView = useRef(null);

return (
    ref={element => agsView = element}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  map: {
    flex: 4,


Prop Name Type Description Sample Value
initialMapCenter Object Array Specifies the initial center of the map. [{latitude: 36.244797, longitude: -94.148060, scale: 10000.0}]
recenterIfGraphicTapped Boolean If true, the map will recenter if a graphic is tapped on. true / false
basemapUrl String A URL that links to an ArcGIS Online map with your style https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5be0bc3ee36c4e058f7b3cebc21c74e6


Callback Name Description Parameters
onSingleTap A callback that runs whenever the map is tapped once. A graphics ID is returned if a graphic was tapped on. A Geodatabase object props is returned if a feature object was tapped on. { points: { mapPoint: {latitude: Number, longitude: Number}, screenPoint: {x: Number, y: Number}, }, graphicReferenceId: String?, geoElementAttributes: Object? }
onMapMoved Called when map was moved. { referenceId: String }
onMapDidLoad Executed when the map finishes loading or runs into an error. { success: Boolean, errorMessage: String? }
onOverlayWasAdded Called when overlay is added. { referenceId: String }
onOverlayWasModified Called when an overlay was modified. { referenceId: String, action: String, success: Boolean, errorMessage: String? }
onOverlayWasRemoved Called when overlay is removed. { referenceId: String }
onGeodatabaseWasAdded Called when a Geodatabase feature layer is added. { referenceId: String, featureLayers: [String], annotationLayers: [String] }
onGeodatabaseWasModified Called when a Geodatabase feature layer was modified. { referenceId: String, action: String, success: Boolean, errorMessage: String?, featureLayers: [String], annotationLayers: [String] }
onGeodatabaseWasRemoved Called when Geodatabase feature layer is removed. { referenceId: String }


Callback Name Description Parameters
showCallout Creates a callout popup with a title and description at the given point. { point: {latitude, longitude} , title: String?, text String?, shouldRecenter: Boolean? }
recenterMap Recenters the map around the given point(s). [ {latitude: Number, longitude: Number, scale: Number?} ]
addGraphicsOverlay Adds a graphics overlay with the given points. See below for more information. {  pointGraphics: [graphicId: String, graphic: Image]?, referenceId: String, points: [Point] }
addPointsToOverlay Adds points to the overlay with the given overlayReferenceId. { overlayReferenceId: String, points: [Point] }
removePointsFromOverlay Removes points from the overlay with the given overlayReferenceID. The reference ID array are the IDs of the points you wish to remove. { overlayReferenceId: String, referenceIds: [String] }
updatePointsOnOverlay Updates points on a given overlay. All properties within an individual Point object are optional, though latitude and longitude must both be provided if you are updating either one. Animated controls whether or not the app should animate the transition from one point/rotation to another. Make sure each update is spaced about 500ms apart. { overlayReferenceId: String, updates: [Point], animated: Boolean }
removeGraphicsOverlay Removes the graphics overlay with the given ID. { overlayId: String }
addGeodatabase Adds Geodatabase feature layers. { referenceId: String, geodatabaseURL: String, featureLayers: [{ referenceId: String, tableName: String, definitionExpression: String?, }], annotationLayers: [{ referenceId: String, tableName: String, }] }
addLayersToGeodatabase Adds feature layers and annotation layers to the Geodatabase with the given geodatabaseReferenceId. { geodatabaseReferenceId: String, featureLayers: [{ referenceId: String, tableName: String, definitionExpression: String? }], annotationLayers: [{ referenceId: String, tableName: String }] }
removeLayersFromGeodatabase Removes feature layers from the Geodatabase with the given geodatabaseReferenceID. { geodatabaseReferenceId: String, featureLayerReferenceIds: [String], annotationLayerReferenceIds: [String] }
removeGeodatabase Removes the Geodatabase with the given ID. { geodatabaseReferenceId: String }

The Point Object

Above, the Point object was referenced as 'Point.' The Point object is structured as follows:

  latitude: Number,
  longitude: Number,
  rotation: Number? = 0,
  referenceId: String,
  graphicId: String?,

The Image Object

When defining graphics, use the following format:

import { Image } from 'react-native';

pointGraphics: [
  { graphicId: 'graphicId', graphic: Image.resolveAssetSource(require('path_to_your_local_image')) },
  // Repeat for as many graphics as you'd like