
WP Real Estate Plugin: https://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-real-estate/

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WP Real Estate ===
Contributors: MyThemeShop
Creator's website link: http://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-real-estate/
Tags: real estate listing, real estate listings, real estate plugin, real estate, real-estate, real estate agent, property listings, listings, listing search, realtor, agent, broker
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.8.2
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

A Real Estate listing plugin that is feature packed, works with any theme and is easy to use. Get your Real Estate website up & running in no time.

== Description ==

A Real Estate Listings plugin that integrates with any WordPress theme.

The plugin allows you to easily manage **Real Estate Listings**, **Listing Enquiries** and **Real Estate Agents**, all from within your WordPress dashboard.

>Check Live Demo here [WP Real Estate DEMO](http://demo.mythemeshop.com/s/?theme=WP%20Real%20Estate)

### WP Real Estate Features

* **Advanced Search** - smart, custom search with radius searching, attribute filtering & search near landmarks.
* **Rent and/or Sell** - setup your website for only Rental properties or only properties that are For Sale. Or do both!
* **Image Galleries** - great looking image galleries. A drag and drop interface makes it easy.
* **Smart Maps** - Google Maps integration.
* **Contact Form** - automatic contact forms are inserted into each listing allowing you to easily capture leads
* **Custom Fields** - add custom fields to your real estate listings through the use of filters.
* **Listing Types** - the property type such as House, Villa, Land, Commercial.
* **Listing Features** - External & Internal Features can be added to any listing. Features could be Cooling, Heating, Swimming Pool, Tennis Court or anything else a property has.
* **Listing Statuses** - Statuses are displayed over the properties image and can be styled with different colors and icons per status.
* **Theme Compatibility** - works with all themes. 
* **List View or Grid View** - allow visitors to choose their own style of viewing properties.
* **SEO Friendly**
* **Developer Friendly**
* **Responsive**

### Real Estate Listings Maps

Google Maps is integrated into each listing. When adding a listing, you simply need to start typing the address and Google will help you find the exact address and location. You can even move the map marker and place wherever you like.

### Real Estate Search

The search box is extremely smart. 

It uses a combination of Google Maps Geocoding, radius searching and traditional searching for keywords to help find relevant results. As well as this it also has a number of attributes to help narrow the results such as Type of property, min & max bedrooms, min & max price, Buy or Rent and more.

### Real Estate Listings Shortcodes

The shortcodes can be easily customized, with each shortcode having many options. 

* [wre_listings] - Used to display all the listings or filter listings by attributes like agent_id, listing_ids etc provided in the shortcode.
* [wre_search] - Used to display search box
* [wre_listing] - Used to display single listing on the front-end
* [wre_agent] - Used to display single agent details on the front-end
* [wre_nearby_listings ] - Used to display nearby listings (it uses browsers location)
* [wre_agents ] - Used to display all agents on the site. We have given an option to change the Appearance of how agents are displayed on the front-end. You can show agents in carousel or in list/grid view
* [wre_map] - Used to display map with all listings

- We have provided an option in the TinyMce editor to add all these shortcodes.

### Widgets

* WRE Widget - This widget will only work on Single-listing and agent page. It shows the agent data on single listing page and Agents Listings on Agents Page.
* WRE Search Listings - Used to display search form.
* WRE Recent Listings - Shows recent listings
* WRE Nearby Listings - Used to display listings which are near to the visiting users location
* WRE Agents - Used to display agents lists

### Real Estate Listings Templates

A robust, flexible framework & template system gives you full control over every aspect of your real estate website, so you can customize it to fit your needs.

Easily override the default HTML template files by including them into your own theme. 

The template system used is very similar to the WooCommerce template system, so if you have used that before, this will be a breeze. 

== Installation ==

Install like any other plugin - directly from plugins page or upload via FTP.

= Minimum Requirements =

* WordPress 4.5 or greater
* PHP version 5.4 or greater

= Setting Up =

1. Activate the plugin
2. Go to Listings > WRE Settings to configure the options
3. Go to Users > Add New to add a new Real Estate Agent
4. Go to Listings > New Listing to add a new property listing

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I find documentation? =

= Where can I get support? =

Support is provided in the [MyThemeShop support forum](https://community.mythemeshop.com/).

= Will Listings WP work with my theme? =

Yes, our real estate plugin works with any theme. 

If you find that things are not looking quite right though, you may need to simply modify the HTML wrappers which is an option in  the Settings > Listings WP page.