- Admin-Librarian Authentication: Login and logout with sessions
- Librarian can login as Admin and approve new student request to login into LMS.
- Librarian can perform following regarding Students:
- List All Students
- Edit Student details
- Delete Student
- Search student
- Librarian can perform following regarding books:
- List All Books
- Add New Book with image
- View book details
- Edit and update existing book with image
- Delete book with image from database
- Search Books with image
- Issue books to students
- Display the list of students who have particular title books
- Send message to students.
- Student Authentication: Register, Login and logout with sessions.
- Student can register in LMS. After registration student account has been verified and activated by admin-librarian.
- After admin-librarian's approval, user-student can login into LMS.
- Student can update his profile
- Student can search book
- Student will get message notification when Librarian send the message
- Student can reply to the librarian's message
MYSQL dump of the database named lms.sql is provided.
• XAMPP (start MySQL, Apache service) • Phpmyadmin • Php (PHP version 7.2) • Text editor (Visual Studio Code)