
Real time chat application using Backend - Express, Node & Socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Time Chat Application - Backend - Express, Node, Socket - Live Demo





  $ git clone https://github.com/truptigaonkar/mandatory-backend1-chat
  $ cd mandatory-advanced-js1.git
  $ npm install
  $ npm start


  $ node server/server.js
  $ npm start


  • The chat should, as a slack, have support for several rooms - ie if you write in a specific room, the message should only show in the room.
  • User should be able to create and remove rooms - all rooms should have a unique name
  • Every message has info about who wrote it
  • Chat should support real-time messages (recommend socket.io)
  • The rooms & all messages must be saved in the long term (eg in one or more files). That is, when you restart the server everything should be left
  • Each room should have a list of all users who have written something earlier


  • View all users who are active in the chat
  • Add logic for "writing right now" (shown often as ...)
  • Add locked room - a room that requires entering a password to access
  • Direct messages to other users
  • profile Pictures
  • emoji
  • Edit & delete old messages